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EST: 2014

Inspired by Italian poet Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, London-based scholar and self-taught artisan Rosh Mahtani’s label creates modern heirlooms immersed in an enticing aura of myth. Each individual piece corresponds to one of Alighieri’s poems, a contained narrative in miniature. Imperfect and imbued with a tinge of melancholy, each immaculately depleted, amorphous necklace, bracelet, or set of earrings captures a sense of time in motion and the evacuated offerings of a lost world. Surreally melted portraitures and vague, sinewy forms also speak of the grand mysteries still left in the contemporary era, the extant possibility of one's apotheosis through an epic journey of distances, battered creatures, passionate mistakes, and self-deceptions. Hell, purgatory, and paradise are alluded to in flashes of gold-filled chains, sterling silver, gold-plated bronze and baroque pearls. Handcrafted in London with lost wax casings, Alighieri women's jewelry is made to order, ensuring each piece enjoys an individuated personality, and is so ready to begin a unique, irreplicable journey with the wearer.

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