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EST: 2018

Established in 2018, New York–based label Commission draws inspiration from the '80s and '90s, merging Dylan Cao and Jin Kay’s East Asian heritage with Western codes of dress. The young designers—first generation immigrants with degrees from Parsons School of Design—came together to carve out a space for the visual representation of East Asian culture (one which is noticeably lacking) within the fashion industry. A deeply personal brand, Commission draws its inspiration from the Asian working mothers of the ‘80s and ‘90s, with the designers taking cues from the outfits they saw their own mothers wearing to work while growing up. Elevating everyday officewear, Commission revels in sharply tailored silhouettes that are sophisticated and sexy. Fitted pencil skirts, lean pantsuits, oversized blazers, and relaxed slip dresses speak to a nostalgic sentimentality that is highly attuned to the contemporary moment. An ode to the Asian working mom, Commission celebrates an East Asian identity that is as personal as it is universal.

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