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EST: 2016 Avant-garde darling Ottolinger is the brainchild of Swiss-born designers Christa Bösch and Cosima Gadient. Launched in 2015, the directional label formed after the pair met at the Fashion Design Institute at HGK Basel. Now based in Berlin, Ottolinger is renowned for its boundary-pushing designs that juxtapose couture-level tailoring with radical deconstruction. Across the collection, immaculately finished products are calculatedly slashed, burned, and manipulated into unconventional forms. Military-inspired trousers and outerwear are scorched into near-oblivion, exposed seams trace ragged trails through shredded skirts, and raw-edged cut-outs imbue casual jersey separates with disorderly seductiveness. Grounded in the interplay between creativity and destruction, Ottolinger’s unorthodox approach presents a bold challenge to luxury fashion’s status quo.

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