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EST: 2010

DeMellier is a fast-growing award-winning contemporary handbag brand based in London. It was named a 2016 Brand of Tomorrow and won the 2018 Emerging Talent Award by Luxury British Association WALPOLE, recognising its commitment to innovation, craftsmanship and the highest standards of quality. DeMellier handbags have become a favourite among strong women all over the world, including celebrities such as Beyoncé, Emily Blunt and January Jones among others.

DeMellier was founded by Mireia Llusia-Lindh. Mireia was born in Barcelona and after having lived in a number of different cities she settled in London, which she now calls home. She attended university in Barcelona and Switzerland and received an MBA from Harvard Business School. She further developed her business skills and passion for fashion working as a strategy advisor to numerous consumer and luxury goods firms such as Burberry and LVMH. Mireia launched DeMellier with the mission to design in a new way, create products that women would treasure but that would also empower them while giving back through the brand's permanent charity initiative.

All DeMellier handbags are handcrafted in the south of Spain by local artisans using the finest Italian and Spanish materials and for every bag purchased DeMellier funds lifesaving vaccines and treatments aimed to save the life of a child in need through their permanent charity initiative 'A Bag, A Life' in collaboration with SOS Children's Villages and local vaccine providers.

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