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EST: 2022

As three young women growing up together, we have developed a strong bond that is deeply rooted in our love and the support we give each other.

Being blessed with parents that took us around the world, their passion for foreign cultures and countries was passed on to us and so we started travelling together from 15 years on - from all over Europe, to Africa, to Asia, to North and South America. Everywhere we went we would encounter new people and learn about new cultures - soaking everything in from people and their local food culture, to fashion and the magnificent nature. Enriched and with all the best memories in our heart, we keep on exploring the world. Living in different cities like Berlin, Munich, Zurich, London, Lima, Hong Kong, Ho Chi Minh, Barcelona to now New York, Los Angeles and Mexico City has exposed us to new environments and made us appreciate every new air we breathe in.

As different as the cities we live in, as different are we in our talents and skills, combining all the best of us to create GEMSUN. Whether it’s our creativity, pragmatism, love for detail or sense for aesthetics - we always exchange ideas and cherish each other’s interests and thrive to our best when we’re working together. 

As different as we are, we are also the same: keeping the same core values such as our love for  mother earth and the outdoors, our sense of adventure and exploring the unknown, our love for fashion, culture, food and art as well as our morals and our understanding of giving it our best to make this world a better place for everyone. 

We are same, same but different. We are individuals and we are one. We are GEMSUN.

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