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EST: 2006

Nanushka’s ascension to the uppermost vanguard of contemporary womenswear is the hard-earned culmination of a decade-long tenure as Budapest’s best-kept-secret. Founded in 2006 by London College of Fashion alumnus Sandra Sándor, whose long-standing nickname doubles as the brand’s namesake, Nanushka’s breezy and facile approach to design is peppered with the influence of her Budapestian origins. Decadence and joie de vivre are at the crux of the label’s collections, which boast a fully realized interpretation of the globetrotting bohemia that has steadily come into focus in the years since its debut. Casting prim blouses and silhouette-conscious skirts alongside rustic shirting and functionality-based accessories, Nanushka’s charm is at once distinct and unplaceable. Its precise tailoring achieves an air of calculated aloofness, while signature styling flourishes such as rolled sleeves seem preemptively adapted to dynamic, hands-on lifestyles. With a pervading sense of free-spirited worldliness uniting the textural and structural diversity of its collections, Nanushka’s blend of disparate influences sheds light on a particular elusive strain of effortlessly refined womenswear.

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